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I want to start off by saying why Leah is my favorite healer of all time, and why she was put on this earth to heal people. I had two earth bound attachments, and even though I had been working with dozens of healers over the course of forty years, no one could detect this. Healing from these attachments brought about massive healing for me. Leah has all the healing gifts of every healer I have ever been to put together, plus more. She is a true angel and was put on this earth to heal people. I felt so comfortable healing my trauma with her and sharing my issues with her. You can't keep a secret from a true medium like Leah anyway, because she can read everything about you, even down to your negative self talk.  Leah's gorgeous spirit and energy by themselves are healing. I could write a book on everything I healed with Leah in mind, body and soul. The migraine headaches that used to plague me are gone. This is what Leah means by finding the root cause of your physical pain so you can experience a true shift in every way.  I hope these words express the depth and genuine feeling I have. Of everything I have experienced in my life, Leah's gift of healing, and her gift of awakening in me my own capacity to heal myself, is the greatest gift I have ever received. I will forevermore be grateful to Leah for all she has meant to me and brought to me, including closure of painful wounds, a reconciliation with my daughter, and moving through grief. Yes, we are responsible for our own work, but sometimes God orchestrates some help. And for me, that help and answered prayer came in the form of Leah.

~Anna Sanchez~


Leah came highly recommended to me because I was experiencing interference from dark energies in my family home. After the clearing, my sister and I immediately felt a difference, and we both had a solid night's sleep after years of not sleeping soundly. I was surprised how draining a house can feel from family members that have not crossed over, or from spirits that hang around, or from negative events recorded in the land. As Leah explained, a person marinates in the energy of their home, and I feel that I have received an internal cleanse emotionally along with my home. My three cats and dog are no longer agitated, and they have been at ease in our home too. Thank you, Leah. You have given me my happy home back.


~Christopher and Marie~


I am so grateful that I was introduced to Leah for healing. I have been working on myself for thirty seven years and have made a lot of progress, but recently I have been struggling to get to the next level. I knew that all the pain I was having had to do with more unresolved things. Leah has been able to help me with so many things. I am dealing with my shadow and all that entails. She helped me dissolve unhelpful family contracts, curses and other agreements that have been hurting me and keeping me stuck in certain ways of behaving. She has also helped me to retrieve childhood memories that I had forgotten that needed to be healed. I have had three sessions with her and have another one scheduled, and at first I wasn't feeling much better. But I understand that the body must integrate these major changes of reality into itself. In the last week, I have experienced a lot of giddiness and joy, and I have quit worrying. My fear has left, and I am embracing total surrender and letting go in a whole new way. And if that wasn't enough, Leah also came in and did a major healing on my business. I am so excited to see what results this will yield. She found lots of things going on with the land that was compromising my ability to succeed. She has been able to show me that I am not a victim, and that all I have been through was by my agreement. I know that it is time for me to be free. This is why Leah has come into my life at this time. She is kind and compassionate, and speaks from a place of authority as she has been on her own journey of trials and tests. Thank you, Leah for all you do. 


~Cameron Conley~


I had my reading/healing with Leah. I feel she is extremely intuitive, knowledgeable and talented. Her abilities are far reaching, and I got more out of it than I think I even understand. I hung up the phone with her feeling positive, reinforced, validated, grounded, peaceful, hopeful, understood and these blessings keep unfolding. Leah said to me that I'm probably going to feel different in a couple of days, and that indeed did happen. One of the things that cleared up for me is my monkey mind. Another thing I really got from my reading is that everything is connected. Our attitude, our thoughts, our self-love, the way we treat others, etcetera, everything is important, and it matters that we try to create the best healed version of ourselves. I look forward to more things revealing themselves from this incredible session from this delightful healer.


~Tamara Hanscom~




My healings go to the root cause of why your problem was created. I trust Source God and YOUR Higher self to reveal to me what you need physically, emotionally and mentally to further you as a Divine Self Empowered Soul. This reading reveals your soul's encumbrances that are keeping you from moving forward in your soul purpose.


With Each Healing The Following Is Included:


The removal of interfering entities and energies, soul attachments and intrusions, healing light energy transmissions and light code activations, removal of ancestral and generational curses and all those in your family affected by these, removal of implants, removal of over-cloaking ancestral desires that are sabotaging your light and your energy and attachment deprogramming. 


All new clients also receive a house and property energetic clearing and healing.


Upon  purchase of a healing, I require the following:


Step One:


An email with a description of your experiences and symptoms, and a little bit about you and what you're looking for in this healing with me.


Step Two:


Provide me with your physical address, your private email address and contact phone number.


Step Three:


Once you email me at: 


I will respond within 24-48 hours via email with appointment options.


Each reading includes one follow up "question and answer" and counsel email response from me.


Thank you for your purchase and we look forward to assisting you in your healing.


*My services are not a replacement for medical advice or psychiatric consultation with healthcare professionals.


New Client Healing Package 90 minutes

(includes house and property cleaning, $300 value)



This is a psychic reading/healing/counsel of your energy field inside and out. We have included a house and land healing because we all are highly affected by the environment in which we live.

House and Property Clearing $300.

This is a cleansing of your home and property. This includes removal of past inhabitants and all of their toxic energies, closing and cleansing of dark portals, removal of all dark spirits tied to the land, clearance of all neighboring entities, cleansing of all satanic ritual sites, and healing of the land's energetic history.


*I also do local in person Shamanic Healing of homes and businesses. Please email me for a price quote.

Returning Client Session  $250.
(Your receipt will show up as payment to Soul Expansion)



Welcome to A Light Point of View
Shamanic Healing,
Psychic Soul And Energy Healings
and Ascended Mastery


About Me

My name is Leah Tipton, I am a trained Shamanic Healer, and I work through Ascended Masters Sananda (Jesus) and Mother Mary. My bond with these beloved masters has been forged through my own healing, and now we work together to spread light and healing to others and to the earth. I reveal to you what I am shown in the form of visions, psychic impressions, physical sensations, feeling through energy transmissions, revelations from your stories of the past and transcendental channeling. These tools help me to diagnose the root cause of your problem.  Whatever your heart’s needs and desires are, whether they be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, it is my joy to assist your healing in all ways. If you are ready to free yourself from the bondage formed by your upbringing and conditioning, your physical and chronic health problems, and clear your home, land and environment of negative energies and influences, then I can work with you to transmute the energies holding you back.  My gift is also in helping you to incorporate the lessons held within your problems, so you may embrace your light and the blessings contained within your obstacles.
*We are not affiliated with any creed or religion.


I read your Soul wounds as Source God provides it to me through the eyes of Love only. There is no judgment ever! Only love is offered in a very safe, open and trusting space for your highest learning and acceptance. My only intent is to discover all soul wounds and deep seeded secrets (so deep that they are hidden from yourself), so that they may be revealed within and healed, for your very highest good. This healing will take place over time as you are able to process it, learn from it and accept it, as this encourages expansion of your soul.


All of my readings are done by phone as Spirit is not bound by location.




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